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universUS: a modern ballet

Extremely thrilled to announce that I am choreographing my first entire modern ballet entitled universUS at the Pagosa Springs Center for the Arts. The show encapsulates the extremities of how far a relationship can last. Can a young Nature and the Cosmos outrun their destinies and continue one of the greatest loves ever lived?

universUS showcases Jaclyn Anne, as Nature and Samuel René Damaré, as the Cosmos and will open on January 21st 2015! Steven Edward Sitzman will compose and perform all of the music for Nature's journey through love and will blend his compositions with digital music for the Cosmos. Tickets will go onsale in December, but in the meantime, check out Jaclyn Joula, Samuel René Damare's website and Steven E. Sitzman's youtube page on the CONTACTS/LINKS section of my website.

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